Kinky Curly Hair Products: How To Care For Your Extensions & Natural Black Hair| Llhomd

Kinky Curly Hair Products: How To Care For Your Extensions & Natural Black Hair| Llhomd

24th May 2023

As a black woman, for you to maintain your natural hair length, you certainly need to understand how to care for your hair with different kinky curly hair products. In 2023, the only way to get the most out of your kinky hair is by getting familiar with the best hair care routines.

In the rest of this post, you'll discover a step-by-step guide on how to care for your kinky hair. In addition, you'll also discover how to pick some of the best kinky hair products on Llhomd.

1.Start by detangling your hair

One mistake a lot of women make when caring for their naturally kinky curly black hair is that they go straight to washing without first detangling the hair. While washing your hair is important, you need to understand this is not the first thing to do.

Before going ahead to wash your natural kinky black hair, we'll advise you first consider the following detangling techniques:

●First, you need to start by using your fingertips to detangle your hair. This step is important, as it helps to regulate the tension you add to your hair. In addition, this move also helps to reduce unnecessary matting, as you'll be able to identify and remove the knots pretty quickly.

●The second step involves the use of a wide-tooth comb. It's pretty simple; all you need is to comb through the hair by using a combination of warm water and moisturizer.


As earlier mentioned, washing follows after detangling your kinky curly hair with the right techniques.

●However, before you go ahead to start washing with suitable kinky curly hair products, we'll advise you to first section your hair. Sectioning (into 4 or more sections) is important as it helps to better maintain and control your hair. This step is very important if you have tighter curl type 4 hair.

After sectioning your hair accordingly, all that remains is to start using the right kinky curly hair products, which you can find in Llhomd.

●First, you need to apply sulfate-free organic shampoo to your hair. The standard rule for caring for your hair is to use the right product at least once biweekly. You can check our shampoo collection to find the best kinky hair products. The essence of picking a sulfate-free product is to help your hair dry out properly.

●Next, you need to apply conditioner to your kinky curly hair. In this case, we'll only advise you to choose a moisturizing conditioner from our kinky curly hair products.

●If you're the type that uses too many kinky hair products, you must have noticed your hair is becoming hard. If this is true for your hair, we'll advise you to only consider clarifying shampoo and mild conditioner during this washing stage.


After washing, drying comes next. Many people are fond of blow-drying their kinky curly hair after washing. This isn't the best approach if you certainly want to get the best out of your hair. Instead, air-drying your hair to about 80% is advised. You can complete the remaining 20% by using a low-head dryer.

4.Don't consider heat styling

Sometimes, your kinky curly hair may lose its shape. In this case, all you need is to re-curl your hair again. One mistake people often make is that they always use the heating approach for curling their hair. This is not the best approach! Instead, you should go for the heatless styling, which involves the use of flexi or perm rods.


The best tool for brushing your curl hair is your fingers. Instead of using a brush, your fingers are more than effective to maintain your curly hair pattern. This is especially true if your hair extensions are dry. In this case, finger brushing will help you prevent hair breakage and shedding.

6.Kinky hair products

Apart from the products mentioned earlier, other kinky curly hair products you certainly need for your hair care routines are leave-in conditioning items. These products will certainly help your hair to maintain their nourishment and moisture.

7.Satin or Silk scarf is important

How do you care for your kinky curly hair when going to bed? While there are a couple of options, the best approach is by wearing a Satin or Silk scarf. This will prevent your hair from coming in contact directly with your pillowcase fabrics, which can cause tangling.